Watch Pediatric Pulmonologist & Pediatric Sleep Specialist Dr. Indu Khosla talk about how to get children to sleep through the night, how to get them to set their sleep-wake cycles and how to manage their periods of waking in the…

Watch Pediatric Pulmonologist & Pediatric Sleep Specialist Dr. Indu Khosla talk about how to get children to sleep through the night, how to get them to set their sleep-wake cycles and how to manage their periods of waking in the…
Are you using Antibiotics wrongly? When is an antibiotic needed? Can you cause harm by giving an antibiotic unnecessarily? Watch this video to know when to give and when not to give an antibiotic and why. #antibiotics #AntibioticResistance #pediatricpulmonologist #childspecialistinmumbai…
With schools reopening, parents are faced with a lot of questions – Is it safe to send my child to school? What if they catch Covid? What can I do on my part? Dr. Indu Khosla, Pediatric Pulmonologist in Mumbai…
What are the symptoms of pneumonia in children? Will your child’s cough settle on its own? Will it be dangerous to wait and watch? How to know if your child needs to be seen by a child specialist?
Here are five signs to know that your child is ready for potty training by Pediatrician in Mumbai Dr. Indu Khosla: Fewer wet diapers 2. Can communicate that they need to go pass urine or stools 3. Have well formed…
Are you resorting to frequent nebulizations for your child’s cough? This below checklist by Pediatric Pulmonologist Dr. Indu Khosla will help you if your child’s cough is due to asthma: #drindukhosla #asthma #nebulisation #asthmainkids #asthmainchildren #pediatricpulmonologist #pediatricpulmonologistmumbai #childasthmatreatment
Your child is getting the required number of hours of sleep. But is that all there is to it? Is your child getting good quality sleep throughout the night? What really happens to your child when they go to sleep? What stages of your child’s sleep cycles help their development?
This informational video is meant for Medical Practitioners. As a Gastroenterologist, Paediatrician, ENT or Neonatologist, what are the Red Flags that raise suspicion of Cystic Fibrosis? Here’s a quick overview… #cysticfibrosis #cfawareness #cysticfibrosislife #cysticfibrosiswarrior #cysticfibrosisfighter #drindukhosla #cysticfibrosisawareness #ENT #Neonatology #Gastroenterology…