There are a lot of myths surrounding the use of inhalers. Pediatric Pulmonologist Dr. Indu Khosla busts one such myth: Is it true that if your child has been prescribed inhalers, then their asthma is in the last stages? No,…

There are a lot of myths surrounding the use of inhalers. Pediatric Pulmonologist Dr. Indu Khosla busts one such myth: Is it true that if your child has been prescribed inhalers, then their asthma is in the last stages? No,…
Watch Dr. Indu Khosla talk about a host of topics ranging from Asthma, Allergy, Pneumonia, Sleep disturbances in Children and How to protect children from the dangers of Omicron in Hindi On Jubilee Health With Om Dutt
Children’s eating habits can be a great cause of concern for mothers. In this section of Ask Dr. Indu, Mrs. Asmita Nair has sent in the below question: “My 7 months old son no longer eats as frequently. I try…
What to do when your child refuses to try new foods while weaning? Here are some pediatrician recommended tips from Dr. Indu Khosla to ensure your child develops a happy relationship with food! #firstfoods #weaningideas #weaningjourney #kidsdonteat #pediatrician #pediatricianinmumbai #solidfoodforbaby…
While we are awaiting further guidelines, here is some information about the covid vaccines for children currently available in India – which options do we have? what will be the dosage? Will it be given in the form of an…
In this month’s Myth Buster, Dr. Indu Khosla talks about babies who stay awake at night. Have you heard this myth too, that babies who are born at night stay awake at night? #mythbusters #babieswhostayuplate #babywontsleep #babywontsleepatnight #babywontsleeplife #SleepCycle #sleepcyclemessedup…
Could your child have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD? What are the signs to watch out for? Watch this video to know about the top three signs that your child may have ADHD #drindukhosla #pediatricianapproved #adhd #adhdlife #adhdmom #adhdproblems…
Children and their sleep patterns have been worrying parents much before the advent of mobile phones and TV screens. How do you know if your child is getting enough sleep? Sleep patterns and sleep requirements vary according to the age of the child.